Monday, October 19, 2015


Yield 14 molds

1/2 cup + 1/3 cup water
1 cup sugar
Some lemon juice (to help slow down the crystallize process)

DO NOT stir while making caramel.
Wait until the sugar color turn to yellow to add lemon juice. 

6 eggs
6 egg yolks 
1 cup sugar
4 cups whole milk
1 bag vanilla powder (DO NOT use vanilla extract)

-Preheat oven 300 degrees. 
-Put milk into the sauce pan, heat the milk until it becomes simmer then turn off the heat. 
-Use mixer to blend eggs and sugar together (add sugar little by little while mixing with the eggs) until it becomes light and foamy. 
-Slowly pour the milk into the egg mixture while continue stirring it up together (so the hot milk doesn't cook the egg mixture). 
-Add vanilla and stir it up. 
-Discard the foam on top of the mixture. 
-Strain it and pour it into molds. 
-Place them in baking tray. Put in oven and pour hot water (not boiling hot water) in the tray about 2/3 way up of the baking pan. 
***If the water is boiling in the oven then you need to reduce the heat of the oven otherwise the flan will have bubbles in it.
-Bake for about 50 mins.
-To check if the flan is done, insert a toothpick into the flan, if it comes out clean, it's done. 

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